Is this blend the biggest practical joke in baccyland? I say this because the tin description and all tobacco review sites usually list its contents as "Virginia, Perique", when in reality, it is an English blend.
Props to Cortezattic for his review calling out the blend for what it is (although luxurytobaccoreviews and tobaccoreviews both omit latakia in their list of contents). Unfortunately, I didn't read that review before buying it. I'm just not sure what James J. Fox has to gain by mislabelling their tins with this description:
This is also not just a problem with the company making the blend, but also I find people in the forums also perpetuate the misinformation that this is somehow a VA/Per like Escudo or SG Saint James Flake. Sure, it may have perique and it has VA, but not mentioning latakia seems like a big omission.
Did anyone else have this "what the heck" moment with Dorisco Mixture? :lol:
Props to Cortezattic for his review calling out the blend for what it is (although luxurytobaccoreviews and tobaccoreviews both omit latakia in their list of contents). Unfortunately, I didn't read that review before buying it. I'm just not sure what James J. Fox has to gain by mislabelling their tins with this description:
I found more perique in Peterson Irish Oak than in Dorisco Mixture.Pure Perique, derived from tobaccos smoked by American Indians in their pipes of peace, has been added to a base of coarse cut Virginian mixture to give a distinctive flavour to this hand blended mixture.
This is also not just a problem with the company making the blend, but also I find people in the forums also perpetuate the misinformation that this is somehow a VA/Per like Escudo or SG Saint James Flake. Sure, it may have perique and it has VA, but not mentioning latakia seems like a big omission.
Did anyone else have this "what the heck" moment with Dorisco Mixture? :lol: