Iwan Ries has good house pipes, sold as Iwan Ries Exclusives, priced from about
$35 to around $55. These include several good compacts that are perfect pocket
pipes; some good medium sized, around Group 4's, an Oom Paul or two, and one
or two extra large. Most of these, I understand, are made by Benton, in a shop in
Texas out of good Algerian briar, and a few are made by Savenelli without their
brand mark. These are excellent briars for new pipe smokers, or for building a
rotation for those with just a few pipes, or as travel or take-along pipes for the rest
of us. I have a billiard and a Canadian smooths, a compact bent billiard, and an
extra large bent billiard. They have light weight, good draw, good drilling. I can
recommend them. I'm not connected to Iwan Ries in any way, except that I grew up
in the Chicago area, but have never had the privilege of a visit.
$35 to around $55. These include several good compacts that are perfect pocket
pipes; some good medium sized, around Group 4's, an Oom Paul or two, and one
or two extra large. Most of these, I understand, are made by Benton, in a shop in
Texas out of good Algerian briar, and a few are made by Savenelli without their
brand mark. These are excellent briars for new pipe smokers, or for building a
rotation for those with just a few pipes, or as travel or take-along pipes for the rest
of us. I have a billiard and a Canadian smooths, a compact bent billiard, and an
extra large bent billiard. They have light weight, good draw, good drilling. I can
recommend them. I'm not connected to Iwan Ries in any way, except that I grew up
in the Chicago area, but have never had the privilege of a visit.