Being a fool for bargains, I go to the tobaccos shop the other day and notice this Corona Lighter, the last on inventory at a generous discount. The lady says she thinks it is for cigarettes, but nobody actually wanted it since they have it on hand since forever, having to discount it twice. I always wanted a corona, and it's not your classic Old Boy, but non the less the price is so attractive I am like what the heck. It is the model on the right, and in spite of the fact that it is half the size of an Old Boy it works great on the pipe - well maybe on a more elaborate meer pipe that I have it doesn't work that well - the pipe ornaments are in the way of the lighter's lid . The system seems identical to the Old Boy less the inbuilt tamper (which I never used on my other pipe lighters any way), the only difference being the size.
The lady in the shop - as always the shop assistants don't know a thing about what they are selling, couldn't give me any details. Do you guys have any information on this model? I can't find it on ebay or amazon for any reference. By the way, we don't have corona flints around here, so I figured zippo should be ok ... Any thoughts on maintenance?

The lady in the shop - as always the shop assistants don't know a thing about what they are selling, couldn't give me any details. Do you guys have any information on this model? I can't find it on ebay or amazon for any reference. By the way, we don't have corona flints around here, so I figured zippo should be ok ... Any thoughts on maintenance?