I love Italian PIpes. Italians are some of the greatest Artisans in the world with glass, leather, paper products, writing implements, jewelry, shoes, fashion, cars and yes, pipes! Is Italy not the birthplace of mercantilism? (Or would you argue Britain)?
I love Il Duca, Cavicchi, Jacano, Ser J, and many more. Have you seen the incredible artistry and quality of Mimmo Provenzano? They are actually affordable.
Castellos? Brilliant.
Italian pipes should be had by all. I really want a nice Hawkbill.
British pipes are a necessity also as far as I am concerned. The Billiard, the (Charatan) Skater, Lovat, Bulldog, Rhodesian and the Apple. Get your Ferndown now, because they are disappearing quickly. Not just classic pipes, but perfect smoking instruments. If you've never had one, Ashton's have this "new pipe smell/new pipe taste" that I just can't get enough of.
In any case, no argument from me. I want both.
With that said, the last three pipes I have bought are German/Austrian. These guys really went to math class. Talk about perfect balance and perfect airways and perfect fit and finish. The people who brought us Mozart, Beethoven, The Bauhaus School, The Frankfurt School for Social Research, Freud, Herbert Marcuse, Christopher Waltz, Wim Wenders, the Audi, Mercedes, BMW, Puma Knives and Ulrich Roth make great pipes!
I could use another 6 Bertram Safferlings in my collection right now. (I know, he moved to Italy).
American pipes are also high on my radar. There are so many gifted pipe makers here. Someone, please get me an Andrew Marks pipe.
Danish Pipes, Czech pipes, French Pipes, Russian Pipes, Turkish Meers, Grecian pipes, Japanese Pipes, Irish Pipes, Spanish Pipes. Are there pipes from Luxembourg or Canada? I want them all.
So, pull the trigger on the Ser Jacapo. You'll love it.