This group was listed for sale on Kijiji, which is an online classifieds list like Craigslist. The ad was listed as "Pipe Collection for Sale", with one bad photo provided which showed the pile of pipes sitting on a bookshelf. The ad requested that interested parties reply with an offer. I responded to the ad within two hours of listing identifying my interest in purchasing the whole collection, if the seller could provide the following to aid me in making an offer:
- pictures showing individual pipes and their condition
- an accurate count of the # of pipes
- a list of the pipe brands or names
Turns out the person who was doing the selling was acting as an agent for the owner. After six or seven emails back and forth she committed to taking more pictures and coming back to me, then she disappeared, for two weeks. Just when I thought I was well and truly out if luck four emails popped up, each with ten (crappy) photos. After reviewing the pictures, negotiations began in earnest. The final # being a meeting directly half way between my first offer and the listing agent's first counter offer.
So yesterday my wife and I drove 100 miles north, and had lunch in between flurries before heading out to pick these up. The owner is a chap in his fifties who has a house filled with antiques and collectibles. He purports to have owned an antique store, but had to close it down. He says he wants out, but can't stop finding stuff. I enjoyed a chat with him, and his two old dogs while I took a closer look at the pipes. While there are some condition issues (four or five pipes with cracks in the shank or chewed through bits) all in all I got a good haul and he got a fistful of cash. I left him my # in case any more pipes made it onto his shelves.
I'm not sure what pipes I'll keep or move on. I like bulldogs and Canadians, so the Brigham 3 Dot bulldog and blasted Kaywoodie Canadian are good contenders. I am most excited by the Stanwell Golden Contrast shape 64. This shape is one if the original Sixten Ivarsson shapes, the stain was developed by Tom Eltang and there is high probability that the pipe was cut and finished by Eltang or Poul Winslow (if I'm reading correctly). It is in marvellous condition, and would be pretty cool to be smoking a pipe that has been so directly influenced, if not directly made by, three Danish masters.
So, I'm happy, the seller is happy, and my wife is happy. Not a bad Saturday!
-- Pat