I’ve been lurking here for quite a while. It’s time to introduce myself and start posting. I started smoking a pipe in 1961 and I’m currently 78. As health concerns weigh more heavily now, my smoking habits have changed. I only do 2-3 bowls a week. I’ve always been a fan of Latakia. These days, it comforts me to know that my beloved lats and Orientals are also relatively low in nicotine. Don’t drink as much beer as I used to either. I once had a collection of about 500 pipes, but sold them off many years ago at a couple of Chicago shows. My collection is now about 50, with a mild concentration in classic 1950s-60s British brands — Comoys, Sasieni, BBB, GBD, Charatan and one Dunhill. But I’m also partial to my half dozen Kaywoodies and another half dozen Grabows. I hail from Northern Minnesota, but now spend Winters in the East Bay region of Northern California. I’ll never be an everyday poster, but I’d like to add a few thoughts to the FDA discussion in the next day or so. Happy to meet y’all.