Issues with the bit on my pipe

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Feb 3, 2016
I'm new to pipe smoking (only about 2 months now). I have 2 different pipes which I alternate between. My first pipe is a cheap one I bought on ebay that I spent $6 on. The 2nd is a briar pipe I bought at a local tobacco shop for $25 after determining that I'm actually enjoying it. On my more expensive pipe, I'm having an issue where the finish on the bit is flaking off in my mouth. I am a bit of a biter, and have noticed the briar pipe shows more teeth marks (I'm assuming it's because it's a heavier pipe). Has anyone ever experienced this issue with any other stems, and how can I fix this?



Feb 3, 2016
Not yet, but I plan on it. Just wasn't sure if anyone else ever experienced anything similar. Wasn't sure if I was doing anything wrong (biting too hard). I don't want to buy a more expensive pipe down the road and have similar issues.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Bring the pipe back and get something that has an acrylic stem with nothing on it. I cannot imagine what is flaking into your mouth but it isn't good.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 1, 2015
Winston Salem, NC
That is strange. I've had both acrylic and vulcanite stems (and even the plastic ones on MM cobs), but nothing has ever flaked off. I used to be such a biter that I even broke a couple of stems. I had this obsession with chewing things. I've had plenty of teeth marks. But never anything flaking off.

(By the way, I've trained myself not to crew my pipestems anymore. For those of you who are thinking I'm crazy).



Oct 23, 2014
Ames, IA
I agree with Cortez. Buying a new pipe for $25 isn't going to get you much in the way of quality. My bet is that the stem is rubber and was coated with something. I've heard of this before. Your bit is flaking off the coating. And being a biter, rubber probably isn't for you.

A pipe with an acrylic stem might be the way to go. Acrylic might wear, but it wears slower than rubber and won't flake. There are decent pipes out there in the $50-$100 range. Paying a bit more will give you greater pipe smoking satisfaction.

If you aren't sure yet you want to spend that much, there are cobs with acrylic stems out there. I'm not a cob guy, but they have a dedicated bunch that smoke them almost exclusively.



Feb 3, 2016
I will splurge for a savinelli or a peterson, but I didn't want to go all in having been smoking for only 2 months....I wanted to be sure it's a hobby I'd enjoy. I've been a cigar smoker for years now and am just getting into pipes thanks to a coworker. I've been looking at some estate pipes that he's willing to refurbish for me.



Feb 2, 2016
Geez that almost looks like the stem was painted.

Never seen that before. Maybe the retailer will take it back.

But rather than exchanging it for a similar pipe of low quality, you can get a $25 credit to apply towards something with a little better quality....or use the $25 to buy a couple of quality cobs.

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