Is this gourd calabash or mahogany wood?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 28, 2015
Does this look like genuine gourd calabash, or is it mahogany wood? I kind of need a quick answer, bidding ending soon! Thanks in advance.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 10, 2015
Sure thing! I found it on the 'bay as well and will say though that the seller should not have listed it as "new, unused and unopened". It has at least been sitting on a wooden 'bash stand for a while, which accounts for that small band of discoloration toward the top (unless it's just a trick of the light? hard to tell). It's also possible it has been smoked lightly, but again hard to tell. It looks to me like the inner gourd has darkened a little, and the cork gasket is definitely not brand new. Mind you it still looks like a great pipe, I just feel like anything listed as new should actually be brand spankin' in-the-box new.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 28, 2015
You're so helpful, thanks a ton. I have one more question if it's not too much trouble. Do you think the seal looks airtight? I have no experience with calabashes. I'm looking to buy my first one, but my budget isn't big enough for a Baki, so I'm searching the 'bay.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 10, 2015
That one depends more on the fit of the cup, whether it's original etc. No way to tell from pics. Now that I look at the pics closer, this one might be worth re-corking if you snag it.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 28, 2015
Heck, I'll give it a shot. I probably won't re-cork it unless it breaks. Thanks for all your help. I really appreciate it.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 10, 2015
Just keep an eye out, at any given time there are like 10 Pioneers on there. Most are too beat up to be worth bothering with, but plenty are in good shape. Or you could always start saving up for a Baki eh? :D



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 28, 2015
Haha, that's true. I'll keep trying on the eBay until I get lucky. How can you tell if it's a "Pioneer?"



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 10, 2015
Pioneer Meerschaum Company of New York. Through the 80's these were by far the most common Calabash pipes sold in US and Canadian shops, hence their ubiquity on EBay. The one you posted is a typical example. You can spot them by that black acrylic "top hat" shaped shank extension and vulcanite stem with the decorative flare near the bottom. There are also carved rusticated gourd models that generally have a slimmer porcelain bowl insert, and some that have a flush inset meer bowl with no overhang. Overall the best calabash you can find for around the $100 price point.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 28, 2015
Just won this for only $60 including shipping! Thanks by the way for all that information. You're very knowledgeable. Does it look good to you? Sorry, for all the questions, you just seem like a reliable source I can rely on.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 10, 2015
No problem, yeah I've had a Calabash fixation since early this year. My first gourd pipe and a tin of Frog Morton's Cellar were my eureka! moment in pipe smoking that lead me down the path of PAD and ultimately here. :D Most of what I know about the 'bash comes from Gary Schrier's book "The History of the Calabash Pipe". I'd strongly recommend it if you're into gourd pipes.
I'd say you got a good deal, see what I mean about the amount of Pioneers? That one's seen a lot of use based on the gourd color, but seems well taken care of. A good cleaning and it should serve you pretty well.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 28, 2015
What a help you've been. Unfortunately the book is out of stock on Amazon. I'll look on other websites.
For cleaning, I plan to clean out the meerschaum insert with some paper towels and try to get the charring off (any tips?). For the stem, maybe Mr. Magic Eraser and olive oil. For the gourd, I'll use fill it with vodka for 5-10 minutes and let it dry out for a one or two days. This would be the first pipe I restored. I bought an estate African meer, but all I had to do with run a couple of pipe cleaners through it.
By the way, what's your favorite calabash?



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 10, 2015
Not sure about the charring, might want to make a new thread and see if any of the seasoned meer smokers hereabouts can recommend anything. Otherwise treat the insert much like its a meerschaum pipe itself. Everclear is just the thing for the gourd, 5-10 minutes is good. You'll want to leave the stem in place so it doesn't overflow the shank, if it gets outside it WILL damage the finish. Pour it out through the stem and wash stem after with soap and a pipe cleaner. Magic Eraser will be perfect for that bit of oxidation on the stem, I like to soak mine in a solution of Oxyclean for ~1hr first, makes the job a lot easier.
My favorite by far is my Baki, possibly my favorite pipe overall for that matter. :puffy:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 28, 2015
Thanks for those tips. You just saved me from pouring the alcohol through the shank without the stem attached, so thanks!
My jaw literally dropped when I saw that pipe. If I like how these pipes smoke, I must save for a Baki. It's hard to compete with their beauty.



Jan 27, 2013
You will need to get some cork grease for dressing your cork on the gourd pipes. You can pick it up at a full service music instrument store.
I just purchased my fourth Pioneer several months ago, it was in pristine condition and still boxed. They are smaller the the average gourd meerschaum pipe and I love the way they smoke. You will be very lucky to get a good one in top condition for less than $75 dollars. I do not watch for them constantly but if they are nice they probably will not go cheap. Look at them closely, if the seller does not know about the pipe it may work to your advantage, but beware a pipe can be listed as in great condition and have cracks etc upon close inspection. The last one I purchased was listed as a briar pipe which helped immensely in the lack of bidding :wink:
Also beware some gourd pipes (they have some carving on the gourd) come with a ceramic bowl with a rubber gasket rather than cork. I would stay away from these.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 10, 2015
And now I'm drifting back to high school and the smell of cork grease and taste of reeds. :D How does that work out for you on your pipes, any taste of the grease get into the pipe or the meerschaum?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 28, 2015
I think I got lucky with the price, because "Calabash" was not in the title listing or description, so those looking for one probably missed this auction.

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