So yesterday evening I decided to give the cube cut method of preparing flake a shot, given that every other method has failed to stay lit miserably for me.
Took some capstan blue flake, cut it into strips and then into 2mm or so cubes, gravity loaded it into my santambrogio Rhodesian, lit and puffed away.
Even though there was a marked improvement in smokability compared to rub out and foldnstuff, I still had to smoke it faster than I wanted to in order to get a half decent burn and keep it lit. I ended up burning my tongue or getting it bitten. I also had to run a couple of pipe cleaners through the stem to the bottom of the bowl because the pipe started gurgling a couple of times.
What's happening? Isnt cube cut supposed to be foolproof? What am I doing wrong?
Also the capstan was thoroughly aired out before cutting or smoking.
Any input is appreciated!
Took some capstan blue flake, cut it into strips and then into 2mm or so cubes, gravity loaded it into my santambrogio Rhodesian, lit and puffed away.
Even though there was a marked improvement in smokability compared to rub out and foldnstuff, I still had to smoke it faster than I wanted to in order to get a half decent burn and keep it lit. I ended up burning my tongue or getting it bitten. I also had to run a couple of pipe cleaners through the stem to the bottom of the bowl because the pipe started gurgling a couple of times.
What's happening? Isnt cube cut supposed to be foolproof? What am I doing wrong?
Also the capstan was thoroughly aired out before cutting or smoking.
Any input is appreciated!