Five or six years ago, I asked my wife to give me an IRC house pipe for Christmas, which she did, along with a much more up-market pipe that somewhat stole the show. Oddly to me, the house pipe wasn't even stamped with Iwan Ries, and of course no other brand name. Only the stem was marked "Italy." It's a big pipe, maybe Group 6, smooth/glossy finish, a bent billiard with a saddle stem. It hangs very gently given its size, and for its size, it's not heavy either. At the time, I thought Savinelli was making the house pipes, but this doesn't have the look of any Sav I've ever seen, too thick walled and rounded with an extra wide bit. I'm buying that it is an Italian pipe, but I'd guess it is some other maker. FYI, at present, last I knew, Genod is making IR house pipes, and they do a really nice French pipe at an excellent price.