My good old 2009 Mac desktop has closed down completely for the second time, and my local independent tech shop won't work on computers made before 2012, so I am looking at the soon to be released PC desktop with Apples M-1 system instead of the Intel base they used before. The price is relative low for Apple. There are things I like and don't like. Only two USB ports, and rechargeable mouse and keyboard, whereas I'd prefer wired (which you can use, but taking up one of only two ports). It is extra slim and comes in zippy colors, for all the good that will do me. I know people love their laptops and tablets, but the PC is enough of a bad habit, and at least it stays in one place and forces me to live life otherwise. Microsoft is out after major bad experiences with it on my first home computer -- actual crimes resolved in a class action suit by cadre of state's attorney generals, so I'm happily stuck with Apple. For now, I'm on my wife's PC, and she's mostly on her iPhone and her fading iPad. Any input on this new desktop from Apple will be respectfully considered. Thanks.