In Search Of The Burley Unicorn

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 20, 2015
Olympia, WA
I need help, suggestions, and advice (the notoriously free variety upon which this beloved community is built).

I love burley. I love the nutty, chocolatey flavor of a high quality blend, especially in the colder months. In fact, I got into burley when my wife declared that latakia "smells like a headache" and banished it from the premises (including my mustache). As we head onto the fall, I'm beginning to crave a good, strong burley once again.

The trouble is I have a gazillion burley blends that are close but not "just right."

Perhaps you all can help.

In a very small nutshell, I am basically looking for Edgeworth Ready Rubbed but with more "oomph" in both favor and strength. ABF is great, but I can't obtain enough of it. MB Burley Flake is second to that.

I have several pounds of Sutliff ERR Match and I'm thinking of adding something to give it a boost. Neither Haunted Bookshop nor Pegasus do the trick.

Thoughts? Favorite burley blends that come close to what I'm looking for? Suggestions for additives?

....aaaaaand go.


Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 20, 2015
Olympia, WA
Why not start with a list of the ones you have tried that did NOT do it for you ?

For a start this will eliminate suggestions of ones you have already tried
Good idea, but I'm afraid I don't remember them all. Which makes me think someone will remind me of a good one!
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Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 20, 2015
Olympia, WA
I'm by no means a fan of burley. It does bad things to my mucus membranes.
I've been trying some new to me blends from HU lately and a couple include burley. I can taste it and I don't hate it.

Maybe HU has a burley heavy blend you'd like. I've been impressed with just about everything of Hans's.
I'll check it out. Thanks!


Aug 1, 2023
Western PA
Have you tried Five Brothers? Another one, one that I never see mentioned, is Old School by JM Boswell. Old School is a straight up Burley with a little Virginia added. I can't speak to the strength of blends because nicotine doesn't really affect me.


Oct 21, 2022
Pismo Beach, California
Like @username I was tempted to suggest OJK. But if you didn't enjoy Haunted Bookshop or Pegasus, it doesn't seem likely that OJK will scratch your itch.

So, here are my two ideas.

Erik Stokkebye 4th Gen 1931 Flake. I would put this in the same category as Solani ABF or MB HH Burley Flake in that it strikes me as a "gourmet" Burley. It should be noted that 1931 is not exclusively Burley. It does have condimental portions of Cavendish and Virginia, as well as a well-measured (never cloying) honey note. But Burley is in the lead, and it's one of the tinned Burleys I keep buying.

Vincent Manil Tabac de la Semois. This is a very unique Burley, uncased and quite distinct. I consider this a "must try at least once" blend for any Burley lover. I personally find it unlike the more traditional Burleys you mentioned. It almost warrants a category of its own. But I'm confident that it has the strength you seek.


Nov 30, 2020
Sydney, Australia is dead to me. They totally screwed up the Search function when they launched their new site..
Might not be as good as before, but it is still functioning
I just prefer to do my own research
After years of wine tasting/drinking I am very wary of trusting the opinions of others,
Unless I have a good idea of what their taste is like.
I have a few friends whose tastes are close to mine. I will take their opinions over most wine scribes/experts


Sep 9, 2022
C&D's Big 'n' Burley rocks my boat, for some reason. I can't smoke an entire bowl without reeling into a supine position. Five Brothers straight? No problem. Uhle's 00 is pretty good.
I love B'n'B too (it's like a desert island blend for me) but it has Latakia in it so—even though it's just a wisp—it seems like it's not what the OP is looking for. Five Brothers on the other hand can—and should—be added to any and all blends requiring a kick in the pants.

@sittingbear , you couuuuld try some Old Joe Krantz Blue, if you haven't already. It's a little different from Pegasus. No Cavendish. Just Virginia and Burley. I find it's got a bit more vitamin N than Pegasus, but it doesn't have the Perique of OJK original so it's more straight ahead. You can always get a 1oz sample. I smoke a lot of Pegasus for the record and I always find bulk C&D blends benefit from 6 months or more in a jar. I like straight burleys, like Semois, Five Brothers, C&D Dark Burley, Kendal Kentucky, etc. Anyway, good luck! It's hard to find a perfect burley blend for sure.