Ha ha! Those 5 horses are my 'kids', so they get taken care of very well. It's not really cold enough for blankets, but they'd be soaking wet and frozen with all the snow coming down. The 'lion' arrived at 7am, so I made sure they were fed by then. Hay doesn't stay on the property long with these winds. And we get crazy winds here - one last year hit 90mph. So that shelter has to be strong enough to stay there.
This blast of winter is supposed to last until tomorrow, then we're back into sunshine. I'm hoping that's all we see of the 'lion', and the 'lamb' will be arriving soon! There has been some crazy weather across the continent this year. Some places are getting snow that have never had it, and I was out riding in a t-shirt the other day because it was so warm out - unheard of for Feb.
My mare (below) has access to the shelter, but wasn't interested. Make for a good photo, though!