Was out at the park smoking some Frog Morton and some older gentleman came up to me saying that he just loved the smell. We talked for a while and he said that he used to smoke Balkan Sobranie. He also said that he had quit the pipe some 20 something years ago. Then he asked me if I had ever smoked Balkan Sobranie? I said no I haven't and that it is not made anymore. He then told me that he still had a one pound can of it. I said is it sealed? He said yes it was. Of course I asked him his intentions on it, and said I would be most interested in purchasing said one pound can. Problem is he lives in Ohio and he is in the pacific northwest on a vacation. I asked him to email me a picture when he gets home and again told him I would most likely buy it. He also said he has some pipes he would be interested in selling made by some guy that worked at NASA. I hope it happens but I did not know Balkan Sobranie came in one pound cans. Can anybody confirm that it did.