Unfortunately, the ASN's in common with many other Anti's, are not happy once they have achieved their objectives. With the ASN's it was to stop people smoking in public places... which they have achieved in the UK and most of Europe. Now they are starting to try and move people on like vagrants whilst saying 'I'm not against smoking per se, but please don't do it in my county'.
I have been having a running debate with people on online forums about 2nd hand smoking, and I always ask them the same question 'Can you, or anyone else, provide difinitive scientic proof that 2nd hand smoke kills'? Unsuprisingly, no one has managed to do it. Now the WHO are climbing on their horses again and coming up with 3rd hand smoking. What The F~~~ is that all about? They haven't managed to prove 2nd hand smoking is bad for you, and now they want to say 3rd hand is bad for you too!
It is all in the wording.... Smoking Related Deaths. Now, if I live a totally cigarette, tobacco free life and I get run over by a bus whilst crossing the road to buy a packet of cigarettes, the WHO would class that as a Smoking Related Death. I realise there is an element of dark humour here, but it is actually quite serious because that is what the ASN's grab hold of and run with!
If the ASN's actually said 'Look, I understand that you fully realise that smoking presents a clear threat to your health, and I for one don't like it for that reason. But if you wish to smoke, then be my guest, just don't do it around me'. Most, if not all smokers would agree that they have a point. However, when the ASN's treat me like a social leper and then spout their ill-informed, uneducated and unscientic opinions down my throat in some rediculous attempt at taking the moral high ground, I understandably get more than a little aggitated.
At the weekend I had occasion to go to my local pub for a few 'wets'. At one point in the evening I went outside, across the road and lit up. Whilst stood there minding my own business a rather plump lady walked over to me and said 'I object to you smoking near me, it stinks.'
I was somewhat taken aback, because I was more than the minimum legal distance of 15meters from the doorway. I turned to her, and she had a scowl on her face that could have turned milk sour. I took a big puff, blew the smoke out in her direction and said to her. 'Even if every smoker in this country gave up smoking, you'd still have a problem with bad smells. The problem lies in the fact that your nose is to close to your backside. Now bu#### off and leave me in peace you rediculous woman.'
Well, I've seen people go puce before, but she was glowing purple. I couldn't help laughing as she waddled off, chuntering under her breath.