I see there is a feature called "ignoring", but I can't find any info as to what it does or how to use it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
It also makes threads invisible when the ignored post until an unignored member posts. You'll never see a thread listed if it's started by an ignored member.If you’d rather not see posts from a specific member you can “ignore them and theirs posts won’t appear in your feed.
Thanks a lot, now I see a post from @LotusEater!It also makes threads invisible when the ignored post until an unignored member posts. You'll never see a thread listed if it's started by an ignored member.
You can ignore me by hitting my user name and pretending to send me a PM, but hit the ignore button to the left instead.Where is this feature and how do I use it??
You can ignore me by hitting my user name and pretending to send me a PM, but hit the ignore button to the left instead.
I'm used to being ignored in regular life, may as well make things normalish online too. Just kidding ... well, kinda.
There's always piano wire, but that arterial spray when you sever the head gets on my shoes.“Ignoring is a kinder, gentler, way of ridding you of their existence than car bombs. Less noisy, too.”
You need to take my online course. You’d be surprised what $1.25 in copper can do.
Fair question. Neither of my ignorees were ignored because of their ideas. I don't take issue with different ideas, up to a point. For example, racism and genocide aren't going to get support from me.If you ignored ideas you didn’t agree with, how could you ever learn anything new, and better?
There’s a beautiful valley just a few miles from these caves!
It’s safe and warm in these caves, shut up before the children hear you, and get dangerous ideas.
So did you figure it out or you did and not seeing all these posts?I see there is a feature called "ignoring", but I can't find any info as to what it does or how to use it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.