I Think I Made a New Discovery

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 21, 2012
Hey Family,
I got a hold of Black House as a sample last week with my order from P&C. I have smoked it on two different days and in two different pipes. It smokes very well, but there is something that was not sitting right with me. After doing some research on this and another tobacco, Squadron Leader by S&G, I think that I have come to the conclusion that I am NOT a Turkish fan. Both seem to leave a semi after taste in my mouth and I really believe it's the Turk. However, I will smoke what I have, but might not be purchasing it in the future unless my taste changes. Which could happen!
Darn, and I really wanted to add it to my collection. :crying:



Dec 8, 2010
Have you smoked other latakia blends before?
I would place the blame on latakia before I pointed a finger at orientals in general.
(Latakia is a fire-cured oriental, but it is radically different than its forebears)
Do you get a lingering ashiness in your mouth after smoking those blends?
That is what turned me off latakia. I started out loving the flavours (and I still do to some degree) but after a bowl or two it just begins to taste awful.
Try something like C&D Sunday Picnic, GLP Cairo, GLP Embarcadero, McClelland Tudor Castle, or one of the McClelland Grand Orientals series to see if you have any appreciation whatsoever for orientals without latakia...
Latakia is what's responsible for the smoky campfire character.
Edit - You answered my question; disregard the above!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 21, 2012
I hear you rothn,
On the other hand I am a big lat man! Oh well, to each is own I guess. . . :puffy:



Dec 12, 2012
Wow, sorry to hear it! I love most Turkish/oriental tobaccos, although some do push the "acrid" meter a bit far. Others, like Yenidje and Basma, are sheer joy for me to smoke.
At the risk of encouraging you to waste time and money, I'd suggest you try something that really puts the focus on orientals before you give up on them. After all, there are other things going on in both Black House (of which I'm not a fan either, but not for the same reason) and Squadron Leader. If you can try a bowl or two of, say, Rattray's Red Rapparee or Presbyterian Mixture, each of which is a very oriental-forward blend (with Virginias), that might help you nail things down.
Or try McClelland's Grand Orientals: Yenidje Highlander -- a superlative blend featuring Yenidje -- or McClelland's Frog Morton on the Town -- an equally strong blend that incorporates sweet Basma. Yenidje and Basma are two very high-quality orientals that might help you get a better handle on things.
I'm curious, though: Since latakia is also made from oriental tobacco, I'm wondering if that's giving you problems too. Or are you just starting to smoke blends with latakia in them?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 21, 2012
No rmbittner,
I love my lats. As a matter of fact, that was the first thing I fell in love with as a pipe smoker. I will give those others a try that you are suggesting. Can't hurt.



Dec 8, 2010
The fact that you don't like those two tobaccos is probably an indictment of the blenders rather than the leaf, IMO.
There are hundreds of blends readily available out there and nobody likes them all...
I agree with rmbittner, invest another $10 at least into a well-reviewed oriental blend with little to no latakia and see if it changes your tune. It could just be that Squadron Leader and Black House aren't to your taste.
Most English/Balkan blends have some orientals thrown into the mix and latakia itself is made from orientals so there could easily be another factor affecting your enjoyment.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 21, 2012
-The fact that you don't like those two tobaccos is probably an indictment of the blenders rather than the leaf, IMO.-
This is true Simenon. That is a very good possibility. I will not totally give up, but that just seemed odd to me that the same taste were in both blends. To me anyway. Thanks for the advice. :mrgreen:

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