About 15 years ago I went to a st. Patricks day parade and was enjoying the cool spring day. It was festive and peaceful until this groups of midgets dressed up as lepricans came along and started throwing gold wrapped chocalate coins everywhere. One of the coins hit me in they and I ran out and grabbed this midget and lifted him up and told him to be more careful. He told be to put him down with that smug midget way midgets do and I got mad and shook him, my bad. You should never shake a midget. All of a sudden I am tackled by 4 other midgets and they started pounding on me. Well, i was mad cause there were kids there and the smug angry midgets were making them cry so I started kicking midget ass and there we midgets flying every where. I knocked out all 5 midgets and shoved an ovsized four leaf clover in the ass of the one who hit me in the eye. I was arrested for starting a riot and causing rectal trauma.
Last year I went to the parade and even with smug midgets dressed as lepricans prancing away, I just lit my pipe and enjoyed the festivities.