I went over a pipe friend's house for the fight last night. I got there early and we hung out and had a few bowls. He offered up some Bold Kentucky and for some odd reason I decided to load a bowl and give it a go. I've heard it's rather strong and I'm typically a bit of a nicotine wimp. It did give me a bit of a buzz, but I didn't get overwhelmed by it. Before I arrived I had a really big lunch and I'd been sipping on water all day. It was a breezy late afternoon, so the bowl would go out from time to time and there were other people around to talk with, so I didn't tend it as much as when I'm alone. Drawing the bowl out longer and taking periodic breaks from it helped with the nicotine. I enjoyed the flavor, a bit of earthy nuttiness and spice from the Kentucky and some citrus sweetness and grass/hay from the Virginias. I'll definitely include a tin of it with my next order.