Some stores wont let me do that and make me but pre-measured paks. These shops (Mostly Cigar Shops who carry pipe tobacco as a afterthought) make me spend 7-15 bucks on pre-blended zip-lock bags of there own design. If I am just want a ounce to get me through the next day or two I dont want to buy a 7 pound bag. I like blending Smoked English and Cherry Cavendish to see what happens and I dont know whose grubby hands have been on the tobbcao other then my own.. :x. My first tobacco shop when I was 16 had all the blends in mason jars for me sniff and take in the plesure but now how do i convince them to go bcak to the old ways?
Now I also told that they do this out not wanting to weigh out my tobacco and spend time on me...But hey what else are they doing other then watching the game...
Now I also told that they do this out not wanting to weigh out my tobacco and spend time on me...But hey what else are they doing other then watching the game...