I Got Chastised At Work For Smoking

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Oct 13, 2011
Puget Sound
chas·tise   [chas-tahyz, chas-tahyz]

verb (used with object), -tised, -tis·ing.

1. to discipline, especially by corporal punishment.

2. to criticize severely.

3. Archaic . to restrain; chasten.

4. Archaic . to refine; purify.

Is our nanny state any more palatable because it is our bosses who want to act as our nannies, and not just the government?



Sep 1, 2011
Buy two cobs and offer one to your boss for a smoke break. Never hurts to be friendly to the boss. Just saying :puffy:



Jan 17, 2010
woodlands tx
Iam not insane read the whole sentence . Moderation is the key word . Dont fool yourself into thinking you are safe from cancer or COPD or some other tobacco induced ailment because you smoke a pipe or a cigar or stick snuff up your nose or chew in your jaw or lip . By hating cigarette smokers you are helping the anti smoking/tobacco movement . Or maybe you just dont think complete thoughts the same way you do not read complete sentences . :wink:



Aug 14, 2011
Since I'm on the internet I say "F YOUR BOSS", but in your situation I'd second buster's advice. Make friendly because she likes pipe tobacco.
But from the reasoning that she only likes pipe tobacco it better because it smells better... she's not actually worried for your health she just hates the smell.
Bah humbug. Time for another drink before I start to get really angry at stupid Anti's.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 2, 2010
Iam not insane read the whole sentence .
FTR, that was a second sentence. I could tell, because you add an extra space before your periods, as if to accent the end of the sentence. Like this .
Moderation is the key word .
In the strictest sense of the word, maybe. But in practicality it doesn't always work. Unless you're supporting the "moderate" use of crack, heroine, and crystal meth, too.
Dont fool yourself into thinking you are safe from cancer or COPD or some other tobacco induced ailment because you smoke a pipe or a cigar or stick snuff up your nose or chew in your jaw or lip .
Not safe. Safer.
By hating cigarette smokers you are helping the anti smoking/tobacco movement .
I don't hate cigarette smokers, I hate cigarette manufacturers who add poison to their tobacco. This is why I qualified my first post with that bit about rolling his own with safer tobacco. The "antis" need to be educated that it is not tobacco that is the problem, but the additives.
Or maybe you just dont think complete thoughts the same way you do not read complete sentences .
You should go re-read your post before you start to be a smartass about how many sentences I read.
It's undeniable how much more dangerous cigarettes are, so the advice to quit those and stick with the pipe is good advice.



Dec 3, 2011
Pleasanton, CA
very few cigarette smokers are capable of smoking only as much as they want to, and no more.
The quick nicotine hit, and then ensuing withdrawal, followed by quick nicotine hit, and around and around again day after day, that's what makes pack a day smokers who live generally unhealthy lives that usually get cut short.
Smoking a pipe a couple of times a day, not inhaling, it just isn't even in the same category of health concern.



Jul 13, 2010
OK kiddies... If I have to put you in separate corners, I will... When I do, no one will get any pudding in this thread... Do I make myself clear?
Back to the OP... I find it terribly amusing how people will spit , rant and rave about how vile cigarette smoke is, but the second you smoke a pipe everyone comments on how nice it smells, and they are perfectly fine with it. I've smoked some latakia/oriental heavy blends in public and people walk by and tell me how wonderful the smell is. Are they smelling the same thing I am? A Lat heavy blend is heaven for me now, but I used to think it smelled awful! Maybe my sniffer is different, but I really think it is more that their brains make it smell better.



Aug 14, 2011
+1 Lordnoble
I think the fact they people don't smell cig smoke tricks them into thinking that they should be ok for it since they've only heard bad things about cigs and nothing bad about pipe smoke! OMG IT'S TOTALLY DIFFERENT AND OK!
So... I guess this is a GOOD thing lol
And I support moderate use of crack :rofl:



Mar 9, 2010
I can relate to the greasy smell. Last time I made fried chicken at home the stink was in the kitchen for a couple of days.... but it was soo tasty. :lol:



Jun 5, 2010
Cornelius, NC
OK kiddies... If I have to put you in separate corners, I will... When I do, no one will get any pudding in this thread... Do I make myself clear?
Give em Hell Jason. :laughat: Everyone needs to do a Jackie Gleason "Ommmmmmmmmmm" like in Smokey and the Bandit. :wink:



Sep 7, 2011
Capac, Michigan
Theres no wind protection anywhere so it makes a pipe harder to light. Most of the time I don't even smoke my cigg all the way down. I took my pipe to work before, but after I ate it didn't leave much time. I like the ciggs cause the calm me down quickly. When I want a calming pipe smoke I want to be able to sit down and not worry about the time
Last time I made fried chicken at home the stink was in the kitchen for a couple of days

Imagine what its like in a place where it's done everyday. Everything in the back of the store is greasy. The only places it isn't is the bathroom, fridge, and freezer because they have doors. When I come home I have crusty grease on my face.its gross. I feel so nasty when I get off work. First thing I do when I get out is take a shower
very few cigarette smokers are capable of smoking only as much as they want to, and no more

I can mostly. I have them for when my pipe isn't practical. I also have snuff, but my hands are usually greasy so I don't usually take it to work



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 8, 2010
This might be slightly tangential to the original posting, but it speaks to the "problem" being solved by the cigarettes. Since all smoking is lumped together these days, I find that the "concessions" made to smokers are targeted directly at the cigarette smoker. Can't smoke inside, you're shoved outside, where there's little shelter. In Canadian winter, standing out there and finishing a bowl is uncomfortable. A short cigarette "hit" and then ducking back inside makes more sense, which is crazy. Besides, the "smoke break" is much too short for a pipe in my mind. Ashtrays are gone, replaced by cigarette butt disposal thingies. I can't figure out for the life of me if there's a way to get my ashes in one. :)
Sigh. Just seems misguided.

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