Greetings friends. It was my great pleasure to receive a very generous sample of HU Tobaccos from friend and fellow forum member flakyjakey. The first of the tobacco I elected to sample was 'Director's Cut'. This tobacco is a VaPerBur which is prepped as a rope and then cut into loose coins.
Tobacco Aroma: Out of the bag this tobacco delivers deep resinous, sweet notes like prunes, anise and port. The spice notes are heavy and suggest a rich smoke. Others have suggested a grassy or mown hay aroma on the tin note, but this was absent in my sample in favour of a rich, deep and intensely spiced sweetness.
On instruction, I did not rub this tobacco out, but stuffed a VERY large meerschaum pipe half full, and tamped the tobacco until I had a steady but even draw. The sweeteners diminished slightly on the charring light and was replaced by the pepper and spice notes (I am assuming that this was the Perique?). After true light the complexity of the smoke came back and the sweetness returned. This was a delicious bowl, from top to bottom, it burned evenly and gave up layers of spicy sweet-fruit flavours until the end.
Thank you Flaky! I can't wait to indulge in and provide thoughts on the others.
-- Pat

Tobacco Aroma: Out of the bag this tobacco delivers deep resinous, sweet notes like prunes, anise and port. The spice notes are heavy and suggest a rich smoke. Others have suggested a grassy or mown hay aroma on the tin note, but this was absent in my sample in favour of a rich, deep and intensely spiced sweetness.
On instruction, I did not rub this tobacco out, but stuffed a VERY large meerschaum pipe half full, and tamped the tobacco until I had a steady but even draw. The sweeteners diminished slightly on the charring light and was replaced by the pepper and spice notes (I am assuming that this was the Perique?). After true light the complexity of the smoke came back and the sweetness returned. This was a delicious bowl, from top to bottom, it burned evenly and gave up layers of spicy sweet-fruit flavours until the end.
Thank you Flaky! I can't wait to indulge in and provide thoughts on the others.
-- Pat