Hi there,
I am Patrick from the great state of Texas. I am new to pipe smoking, started with a cheap cherrywood pipe, and fell in love. The same day I got my cherry wood I went out and got a nice Italian Briar from my local tobbacoist. I knew Id be smoking a lot and cherrywood just wouldn't take the heat.
So far I've tried 24k, and English Luxery tobaccos. I have recently ordered "Visions of Celephaïs" from Cornell & Diehl's "Old Ones" series as I am a fan of classic liturature, H.P. lovecraft being among my favorites.
In fact it was classic literature that sparked my fancy in pipe smoking. I was reading Sir Arthur Conen Doyle's Sherlock Holmes series, in which Mr. Sherlock and Dr. Watson frequently smoke Tobacco pipes for mental stemulation. I like how Sherlock would measure issues by pipe bowels, I.E. "This is a 3 pipe problem dear Watson!"
So here I am, subcribing to email lists and forums to increase my knowledge on Pipes, and tobaccos which was surprisingly and refreshingly quite rich and vast.
Pleased to make your acquaintances,
Patrick Green
I am Patrick from the great state of Texas. I am new to pipe smoking, started with a cheap cherrywood pipe, and fell in love. The same day I got my cherry wood I went out and got a nice Italian Briar from my local tobbacoist. I knew Id be smoking a lot and cherrywood just wouldn't take the heat.
So far I've tried 24k, and English Luxery tobaccos. I have recently ordered "Visions of Celephaïs" from Cornell & Diehl's "Old Ones" series as I am a fan of classic liturature, H.P. lovecraft being among my favorites.
In fact it was classic literature that sparked my fancy in pipe smoking. I was reading Sir Arthur Conen Doyle's Sherlock Holmes series, in which Mr. Sherlock and Dr. Watson frequently smoke Tobacco pipes for mental stemulation. I like how Sherlock would measure issues by pipe bowels, I.E. "This is a 3 pipe problem dear Watson!"
So here I am, subcribing to email lists and forums to increase my knowledge on Pipes, and tobaccos which was surprisingly and refreshingly quite rich and vast.
Pleased to make your acquaintances,
Patrick Green