How to prevent tobacco into draw?

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Nov 3, 2011
1) I learned to smoke pipe for almost 3 months and there is always a problem puzzling me: How to prevent tiny tobacco coming into draw? I learned from Internet I need to check the draw when packing, but it also takes tiny things into my mouth. So upset and not professional as I suppose.
2) And another question is ( I once asked here and not get the perfect answer): How to smoke downright to the bottom of the pipe? I try different ways to pack but nothing improve. I am now still using the 3-step packing way. I checked and found it's some tiny tobacco is drawn into the draw which blocks the way. How can I also prevent this? Any idea?
3) And when packing the first pinch I don't press tightly for consideration of leave more air. But when smoking, I have to tamper but this also squeeze the air out and force me to relight and sometimes have to repack. How to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.



Sep 14, 2011
Run cleaners through your pipe as you smoke. That will help keep the passage cleared, and give you a drier smoke.

If you are consistently having problems smoking to the bottom, my opinion is that you have one of two things going on - or maybe both.

  1. You've got overly damp and/over heavily cased 'baccy that won't smoke cleanly.[/*]
  2. The pipe is not properly drilled, so the hole is too high from the stem.[/*]
Good luck.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 6, 2011
practice practice practice... and when that doesn't work, practice some more.
Try changing your loading method. I dropped the 3-step method and started using the "frank method". My smokes have been much more pleasant since. Different methods work for different people.
Also, make sure your Tabac is nice and dry. Often the tobacco I purchase needs to dry overnight on a paper towel before it gives a good smoke. Too dry and it will burn fast and hot though, so you'll likely just have to see what works for you.
I have never had tobacco come up the stem into my mouth, and can't imagine what might be the problem there. Maybe you need to try a filtered pipe? You should be able to get a corncob pipe with a filter for around $2 or so, it would be worth trying out.
Good luck to you, hope this helps!



Dec 18, 2011
I'm still having a problem with that but not as much...if I figure out what I'm doing right I'll let ya know.



Oct 31, 2011
East Indiana
Try running a pipe cleaner down the stem after you have packed the pipe, before you light the tobacco, gently tamp the tobacco and this should lesson the loose bits.



Can't Leave
Oct 14, 2011
1. tobacco too dry will crumble and give lots of tiny pieces that can get sucked up.
2. drawing too hard can suck ash through.
3. leaving a pocket of air under the tobacco can cause problems with getting the second half of the bowl to burn well.
4. tamping too hard (think of a charcoal grill. the tobacco's like the charcoal and just needs to be pushed together enough to touch so the ember transfers).
5. after cleaning blow through the stem a few hard puffs and then knock out any pieces that might have come out of the stem
for a long time i packed a bowl by pressing the tobacco always a little away from the draught hole (pressing it a little bit against the front of the bowl) instead of packing straight down. it's actually a pretty fool proof way to pack a bowl, although i don't do it most times anymore.
i'm just an amateur. the pros here can give much better advice and might refute a lot of what i just said.
one other thing: i've found using a pick to loosen the tobacco up once i've started smoking a bowl is a bad idea.



Nov 3, 2011
Thanks so much for all ideas.
I don't think I tamper hard. Yes, each time I take the tobacco from the tin. I don't store them in a can. Do you think this is necessary? But I do let it dry for a while. I admit sometimes it become very dry, which may produce the crumbs. I will notice this and try not too dry next time.
My pipe is from Savinelli so they are all filtered. But it also has the same problem though now I don't use Basha any more. I think it diminish the flavor.



Can't Leave
Jun 14, 2011
I understand that packing a bowl can be a little challenging, and I may not do it 100% correctly all of the time. I find it is different enough from tobacco to tobacco that I have actually abandoned any formal methodology. It is possible to over-think a very simplistic operation.
I just stuff and tamp tobacco into the bowl with the intent of not tamping too hard or packing the tobacco too tight. If I have packed the tobacco too loosely after it is lit I can always tamp a little harder until the draw and burn feels good. Have you ever noticed that the tobacco sort of naturally wants to be tamped into place after it is lit, and burns more even if stomped on a bit if packed too light? When the burn is right I should only have to sip the pipe to get a good amount of smoke. The only time I find this to be a little challenging is with giant pipes. Giant pipes are harder for me to control, and I typically have to choose my tobacco wisely or I will get a work out instead of a relaxing smoke. Generally if I follow the non-methodical method without madness I get an enjoyable smoke.



Jan 17, 2010
woodlands tx
Providing the moisture is right hold a pinch of tobacco between you index and middle finger against your thumb . Compress it some what while making a small rolling motion at the end of you fingertips . The tobacco should be springy and cone shaped . press this down in the pipe . with just a touch more than you think you should . The first pinch does not have to be large just compressed somewhat .Load the rest of the pipe to your preffered method .



Dec 26, 2011
You must rub the tobacco so that it becomes loose, before you fill the pipe.

So back very slowly.

Then you will get a smoke for at long time, og get to the bottom of the pipe. But slowly.




Nov 14, 2009
Flowery Branch, GA
I normally pinch tobacco up and lightly shake it over the tin or jar to get the little pieces and flakes out before putting it in my pipe. I try to make sure only large chunks or ribbons go in the bottom. I put the smaller particles on the very top. This keeps most tobacco out of my mouth. Then, before lighting, I take a light test draw with my tongue towards the front of my mouth and blocking off my throat with the back of my tongue. Whatever tobacco I catch gets spat out then I light up.
As for burning all the way down... I have no tips.



Nov 3, 2011
Cyndi, thanks for your suggestion. I think your method is the only way to improve.
Igloo, I tried your cone method. It also improves a little. Thanks.



Dec 29, 2011
Hello all,
My first post here and I was going to make this a seperate post, but it fits this thread. I have only been pipe smoking since Oct, Was a Tobacco Chewer until the late 80's and gave that up, wife's decision not I took up Cigar smoking around the same time. Decided this year that I wanted to try a pipe and now it's my preferred smoke.
Anyhow...I do the Frank Method and I believe I have it down as the smoke goes well and has a great draw result. My question is what to tamp down.
I tamp periodically but wonder when to dump some ash out. Do you all just leave the ash in the bowl and tamp it down? Doesn't it put a barrier between the flame and the tobacco when it's time to relight?
I know from Cigar Smoking that Happiness is a big ash, but does that apply to Pipes? Does it correlate to the packing method as well?



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 13, 2010
Following the white rabbit
Havoc; I almost never dump my ash. Some others do. Do what works for you.
Dajibash; You've had some great suggestions here, but I feel one has been overlooked regarding finishing the bowl. Sometimes you need to "stir" the bowl a little to loosen up that bottom third of the bowl to allow air to get to it properly. With practice your packing and tamping should improve and this won't be needed as often, but sometimes, especially with a moist tobacco, it's needed. Basically you're just using your pipe tool/nail to loosen up the packed tobacco a little, then gently tamp it into place and smoke away.

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