I agree. I remember watching the old timers. Their pipe and fingers would go into the pouch, tussle around a bit, then out it came, a quick press with one finger, and up she lit. No muss no fuss Pipe smoking was not "a hobby" back then. There was no rule book, no rituals. A beginner packed it too tight one time, so he packed it looser the next time. That time was too loose, so the next time he packed it somewhere in the middle and it was good, so from then on it was never an issue. Today people don't want to use their brains to train themselves to do things, they want someone else to do the work for them, in a blog post or a youtube video. That's why when you go to hire someone today they claim to have 5 years experience but what they've really got is 1 year of doing it wrong and 4 years of repeating the same mistakes.