How to clean a corn cob properly

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Nov 9, 2016
Hello everyone, Ok so i have found some stuff online about cleaning a corn cob but I can't get a straight answer on whats best. Should I be cleaning after every smoke or just after I am done for the day, also does the bowl need to be cleaned or should I not touch this some say cake is good in a corn cob some say its bad whats the rite answer here. I only started smoking a pipe about a month and a half ago and I only smoked a few aromatics until today when i got some dunhill nightcap which I have to say is amazing, but I could still taste some of the vanilla custard that was smoked in the pipe yesterday is this normal or is it because I am not cleaning properly. Please any advice on the best way to clean a corn cob would be greatly appreciated. If I do need to clean the bowl what is the best way to do this. Thanks in advance.



May 6, 2016
West Texas
I would wipe the bowl with a rag and run a pipe cleaner thru it after each smoke, if you use filters then change it, smoke taste can linger/ghost the filter too.

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Jul 10, 2015
Dalzell, South Carolina
Like Pagan I clean my cobs after each smoke. I use a 40 caliber bore brush to clean the bowl along with a pipe cleaner thru the stem. I'm of the school that there should be NO CAKE in a cob bowl. There are some who prefer a slight cake buildup in the bowl.....It's up to you, after all it's your cob. Cobs will ghost with certain blends. I have cobs set aside for Mixture 79 which is a blend I smoke on regular basis. If your getting a ghost from a vanilla blend, it will work its way out by smoking a blend like 5 Brothers in the cob. Five or six bowls should do it. Or just continue to smoke the Dunhill Nightcap in the cob, it should chase that ghost away.

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Feb 13, 2015
I am a "no cake in the cob" guy as well. I swab the stem with a pipe cleaner and twist a paper towel in the bowl after each smoke (most of the time). Cobs will take on the smell of tobaccos; the two you mention are pretty much opposite ends of the spectrum, I would get a cob for aromatics and one for English blends were I you.



Nov 9, 2016
Thank you guys so much for all the info thats just what I need. I was afraid at first about touching the bowl because I didn't know if it would take the carbon protective layer off. I know there really isn't a break in point for cobs but I do know you need to take it easy till you get that carbon build up in the bowl. I also will deff be smoking more of this nightcap I am in love with this blend already. At first i thought i would only like aromatics but that just wasn't true. Thanks again for everyones help. So its ok to clean the bowl.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 29, 2016
Briar or cob...

I don't use rags or paper towels. I run a bristled pipe cleaner through the stem and shank after each smoke. I then **GENTLY** scrape the bowl with a dull pipe knife to get any loose tobacco scraps and wipe/scrape the bowl with a bristled pipe cleaner. Put it in the rack to dry and done.

I don't scrape the bowl back to the bare state, but I build up a thin carbon layer more than a cake.

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Staff member
Jul 28, 2013
Burlington WI
I prefer cake in the bowl, but I also only smoke burley blends. I only ream them when I can't fit a finger in the bowl to pack it down. Just keep smoking, you will figure out what you like.



Nov 9, 2016
I was wondering about the whole reaming thing. I understand now that its used when there is to much build up. So from what I see there is really no rite way or wrong way only your preferred way. I was just worried about the ghost flavor and how to actually clean a cob properly. Thanks again this has been very informational. The pipe smokers community is always willing to help I see. :)

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 22, 2016
Akron, OH
How do you fellows get the dottle out the bottom of cob bowls? I always find it awkward trying to scrap out between where the stem comes in and the walls of the bowl.

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Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
"I could still taste some of the vanilla custard that was smoked in the pipe yesterday..."
My oh my, why on earth would you want to smoke tobacco flavoured like vanilla custard? :crazy:
I would strongly suggest you try some tobacco that actually tastes like tobacco, Full Virginia Flake, Bold Kentucky, Marlin Flake spring to mind as good starters.
Welcome to the forum by the way :puffy:
Vanilla custard indeed...whatever next, peanut butter and marmalade anyone???



Jul 30, 2012
I don't worry about Cobs, even use a cigar propane lighter. Smoke the crap out of them, run a pipe cleaner though them & when they get to where you don't like em, buy another for $10.00. Even do that with some briars. Great to not worry or enjoy about some things.



Nov 18, 2013
I've never thought of a cob being used as an offensive weapon before
In many places, smoking a corncob pipe gives people the impression you're a squirelly white-eyeballed yayhoo likely to be fifty shades of mean in a fight, so it may never come down to having to use it as a weapon.



Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
Smoking anything here in deepest darkest Cornwall will give people the impression you're a squirelly white-eyeballed yayhoo likely to be fifty shades of mean in a fight.
And we all know who to thank for that!

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