...it's all the same leaf, folks.
Yes, and no. It all starts off as the same leaf, but RYO is actually a much better tobacco than what is actually in the cigarettes sold over the counter at gas stations. I did a tour of a cigarette plant as a teen, with a friend who's dad worked for them, and our families. It was pretty cool, but they explained that to get the correct dosages of nicotine and the trademark flavorings, they took the tobacco through a process. They pressed all of the natural oils from the tobacco, and then collected the juices and seperated the cellulose of the leaf (pretty much dry paper pulp). The juices were all then balanced for nicotine and such with flavorings added, like cherry, apple, licorice, and a bunch of other stuff that you never taste in the cigarette. Then it was rehydrated with the mix. Then, it was made into cigarettes.
At one time cigarettes were natural tobaccos. RYOs use the natural tobaccos, and taste rather good in the pipe too. But, if you crumpled a cigarette from a pack and put it in your pipe, it would taste nasty. Try putting a flake of tobacco on your tongue and a flake of RYO. The first will burn with all of the chemicals, the second will just taste like tobacco.
But, originally, it was all the same. RYO in a pipe cut is rather tasty in a pipe. It was one of the first I smoked when switching from cigs. But, what is in manufactured cigarettes is not what I would call a natural product. There may be other brands that use natural tobaccos in their cigs, but then how would they regulate the nicotine and tar content? Natural tobaccos are different depending on nitrogen in the soil, sunlight, environmental conditions, whether it was top leaves or bottom leaves... Too many variables to get an accurate estimate.
I notice a difference between the smell in my house now as opposed to when I smoked cigarettes. It used to have that stale barroom smell, but now people remark on how good my house smells. It has more of a natural tobacco smell. Unless of course I smoke latakia or dark fired. Then my family says it smells like a barroom. :
