Only one TV in full operation, hooked to cable with streaming capacity, and so on. It's a flat screen, not huge but ample, and it doesn't need a sound bar though they tried to sell me one as if it was required. Often, I'm turning it down, not up. I find myself escaping the TV more these days, to do necessary household things, or turning it off to read. My wife and I are both retired from journalism (my wife) and journalism related work, so we feel responsible to track current events, and we pick up on some entertainment that is worthwhile, but the tube can be a vampire of time and thought. Sometimes it is better to know what you might be thinking, or your spouse, rather than get pumped full of programmed material, even the select items that are thoughtfully done. Sometimes when I'm driving I turn off the sound system and the silence is music, the sound of the engine, the air rushing past.