Now I tried the old style of get it dry, then put an apple slice in it. Historical failure. Anyone who uses this and it functions please give me the details and specifics.
The idea behind this was not to completely dry out the tobacco and then rehydrate it with a slice of apple. Whoever suggested this to you was blowing smoke out of his nether regions.
The idea WAS if, by mischance or misadventure, your tobacco had dried out, a good way to rehydrate it was to put it in a bag with a piece of fresh apple. A lot of people did that. I did that. It didn't really work all that well, and as I found out later, it could sure get your tobacco moldy.
Want to dry out your tobacco? Put some on a plate and leave it out until it's dry enough for your purposes. Granted, I live in California, which is a fairly dry climate, so this approach works just fine. If you live in a humid environment, you have my condolences and you may have to nuke your tobacco.
You can nuke it to speed up the process, but heating the tobacco may alter the flavor a little. Then again, many won't notice the slight difference, so go ahead and nuke it if time is tight. Just make sure to put the blend between a layer of paper towel so that the moisture gets absorbed during the nuking. Otherwise your nuked tobacco will be sitting on a wet and humid plate.