How long does a bowl last you?

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Might Stick Around
Sep 15, 2015
I was curious just after smoking a full bowl in my MM washington, because i got through it fairly quickly. It took me about 20 mins? I know for sure I'm smoking a little too fast but i often read that most bowls last about 45 mins to an hour? I guess i have to take in account bowl size and packing though.
How long does a bowl last for you Gents?



May 5, 2014
Biggest factor are bowl size, tobacco dryness, and puffing rate. Mine last an hour or two.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
A lot of factors go into this.
There's tobacco moisture. Bowl size. Tobacco presentation (flakes last longer than loose cut). Packing method. Are you smoking outside or inside? Is it windy? Is it your first go with the blend? If so people tend to puff more frequently to pick up on flavors and end up with a shorter smoke because moisture builds up in the bottom of the bowl and makes it difficult to light the last bit of dottle.
I loaded up some Stokkeybye's Luxury Navy Flake, first bowl and a great blend I must say, in a straight Missouri Meerschaum Washington and it lasted me roughly an hour. Since it's a flake that's part of the reason it lasted longer. When I have loose cut blends in the same pipe the smoke time ends up being closer to 30-40 mins.
I wouldn't be too concerned with how long a bowl takes you though. If you want more time then run a cleaner down the stem and in the bowl and load it up again. If it's taking longer than you want then pack less tobacco in the bowl or buy pipes with smaller bowls.



Might Stick Around
Sep 15, 2015
I didn't even take into consideration the cut!
Considering ive only been smoking for a week and trying many different new tobaccos, i am puffing a bit more regularly i suppose.

It can be hard to resist when you've been looking forward to a nice bowl all day.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Considering ive only been smoking for a week and trying many different new tobaccos, i am puffing a bit more regularly i suppose.

It can be hard to resist when you've been looking forward to a nice bowl all day.
Completely understand. I just got Peterson's Summertime 2015 and my evening bowl of it ended up going faster and hotter because I was anticipating it so much throughout the work day I ended up puffing more frequently than I should have.
This bowl of Luxury Navy Flake went cooler and longer because I'm off today, so I have all the time in the world to enjoy it.



Might Stick Around
Sep 15, 2015
I am yet to try a PS blend (or a perique for that matter), but i have read a lot of great reviews on them



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 9, 2015
Bowl size, dryness of the tobacco, cadence of the smoker. Perique is good. Go out and buy Orlik Golden sliced.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
I am yet to try a PS blend (or a perique for that matter), but i have read a lot of great reviews on them
I mostly smoked aromatics. Then with one order I decided to get some of Stokkebye's Luxury Bullseye Flake. I fell in love with that blend. The Cavendish kept it sweet enough for my sweet tooth and the Perique was just the right amount of spice.
I've enjoyed all of the Stokkebye bulks I've had. I would definitely recommend getting a sample if it intrigues you. I think most of them are around $5 for a 2oz sample and a pound is around $30. Great bang for the buck.



Might Stick Around
Sep 15, 2015
Orlik golden is a blend i have been recommended more times than i can remember in only a week! haha

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Orlik golden is a blend i have been recommended more times than i can remember in only a week! haha
Orlik Golden Sliced and Peter Stokkebye's Luxury Bullseye Flake are two blends I think every pipe smoker should try at least once.
Right now I'm only on my second, in a row hahaha, bowl of Luxury Navy Flake by Stokkebye and I would say add this blend to the list as well.



Might Stick Around
Sep 15, 2015
I have quite a list building up for my next order, although i should really add a briar, as i am only smoking from cobs at the moment

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
I have quite a list building up for my next order, although i should really add a briar, as i am only smoking from cobs at the moment
I'd say spend the $30 on the 10 pipe seconds bag from Missouri Meerschaum and slowly build up your briar collection over time.
One way you can build up your briar collection is through estates. You can usually get some gently used briars at a much more affordable price point that way. I know SmokingPipes has a phenomenal restoration department. I've bought a number of estates from them for greatly reduced prices and when they come in my fiance thinks they're brand new never been smoked.
Sorry the thread has deviated from the original topic. Hope it's been helpful though.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 13, 2014
Michigan, USA
I agree that a lot of factors go into this. My experience over the past 2.5 years of coming to terms with my enjoyment of pipe tobacco go like this:
1. Of course bowl size is the main factor but also the least important when it comes to your own expectations of enjoyment.

2. Are you enjoying the experience?

3. Did you pack the bowl well enough to enjoy the experience? Too loose and fast? To tight and wet? Too many re-lights?

4. Smoking speed, too fast and not paying attention to the act of smoking?

5. Is it still burning well but getting too strong as you get closer to the end of the bowl? Don't be afraid to stop, throw it out and look forward to your next smoke.

6. think a break will help if it's becoming too strong of a smoke half way through the bowl? Set it down and come back to it.

7. Still too strong and maybe wet? Remove the ash into the ash tray. Remove the remaining tobacco from the Pipe and let it dry. Maybe just stir the baccy up after the ashes are removed and allow it to dry while it's still in the pipe and try again later.

8. Heck take that last bit of baccy in the bowl and wait until it is bone dry and I'll bet it will still put hair on your knuckles because it will be still be a strong smoke.
In the end the only thing that really matters is that you can make a bowl last as long as you are willing to. But most importantly just remember your act of smoking is purely based on your choice of how to achieve enjoyment from it. Doesn't matter if you toss out half the bowl or smoke it down to the very briar.
I've heard smoking briar gives bad dreams and creates a back door into the spirit realm though. I would suggest just smoking the the tobacco as intended and find the entrance in the direction you are gazing into while doing so.
Throw it all up in the air and find the peace you are looking for. Dont run. It's your road, walk it yourself and be grateful for those you meet along the way. And you are on that path.
But all fun aside, Don't worry about long it should last.



Jun 30, 2013
I can make it in an hour and a half but I would rather have two hours. I mostly smoke flakes in small bowls.



Might Stick Around
Sep 15, 2015
Thankyou very much lordofthepiperings! i shall look into it.
And hakchuma you should get that made into a business card and it should be sent out with every pipe purchased online, very helpful!
Much appreciated :):)



Oct 14, 2014
1.5-3.5 hours per bowl. The majority land around 2.3 hours. I don't find a larger bowl adds much to the duration of a smoke. I may gain 30 minutes with a group 6 over a group 1. My small pipes tend to be narrow and my large pipes wide. Anyway, I mostly smoke blends that started off flaked. Shag cuts burn a lot faster as does anything with an accelerant, like McB's modern Virginia which can go through a group 5 in about 15 minutes even when sopping wet (all natural my ass).

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