Now this is a
good site for some info on Meerschaum:
Where is Meerschaum mined ?
The purest and quality meerschaum blocks are mined in Eskisehir/Turkey. But a lesser quality meerschaum blocks also exits in the a few countries.A pure bone white meerschaum block indicates Turkish origin and top quality; a block containing flecks indicates a lesser grade from Africa's northern coasts, or Tanzania, referred to as African Coral Meerschaum.
Are the best quality of Meerschaum blocks really extracted in Eskisehir/Turkey ?
Yes.Eskisehir has the purest and quality meerschaum blocks of the world.The best meerschaum pipes are made by using this blocks.The best quality of meerschaum in blocks are extracted nowhere in the world but only in Turkey. Whereas the lower qualities do not absorb the nicotin as the others ones. Though the pressed meerschaum do not absorb at all.About 200 years ago, the first ever meerschaum-pipe was carved by a certain shoe-maker called Kovacs in Budapest. Before than nobody knew about this mineral, which could be excellently carved to make pipes.Eversince "carving" has become almost an art.