I know, I know, aromatics are goopy, right? They bite, and you can't taste them, right? Maybe, just maybe, all aromatics aren't created the same. Original Mild Orange is a mix of light Virginias with a darker Virginia cavendish added for flavor. There may be a topping, but if there is, I can't detect it. This is a very mildly flavored blend, with the light Virginias coming through for flavor, with the vanilla, orange, and amaretto just lightly tagging along for the ride.
The tin note is faint, with an even mix of Virginia and flavor in the olfactory mix. The large cut ribbon is dry and ready to smoke right after popping the tin.
I don't usually like aros, LOL. True, true, I don't, and if you are a big fan of goopy, bitey, no taste aromatics, you'll hate this one. No, this one is a hybrid. If you prefer tobacco taste and may be open to tasting something different, you might want to give this one a try. I get that sweet light Virginia coming through, with that hint of mouth watering flavor riding back seat to a quality leaf. However, if you hate any hint of casing, then don't bother trying this one.
I don't mind the honey casings of flakes like Virginia #1, Newminster Superior Navy Flakes, the slight casings of Peter Stokkebye's Flakes, the touch of apple in Former's blends, and a various other blenders that add that subtle touch of flavor. As the sun beats down on these Heart of Dixie skies, I find my mouth gets too dry to smoke my usual VAs and VaPers, so a touch of flavors add a touch of sweet to make me salivate, helping me enjoy my pipe outdoors as the thermometer rushes to +90F.
I suggest that if you are going to give this a try on a hot afternoon, try a glass of iced mint tea to wash it down.
Oh, and the room note... my girls detected only a hint of orange but said that it was pleasant.
I'm anxious to see what this blend does with a little age.
The tin note is faint, with an even mix of Virginia and flavor in the olfactory mix. The large cut ribbon is dry and ready to smoke right after popping the tin.
I don't usually like aros, LOL. True, true, I don't, and if you are a big fan of goopy, bitey, no taste aromatics, you'll hate this one. No, this one is a hybrid. If you prefer tobacco taste and may be open to tasting something different, you might want to give this one a try. I get that sweet light Virginia coming through, with that hint of mouth watering flavor riding back seat to a quality leaf. However, if you hate any hint of casing, then don't bother trying this one.
I don't mind the honey casings of flakes like Virginia #1, Newminster Superior Navy Flakes, the slight casings of Peter Stokkebye's Flakes, the touch of apple in Former's blends, and a various other blenders that add that subtle touch of flavor. As the sun beats down on these Heart of Dixie skies, I find my mouth gets too dry to smoke my usual VAs and VaPers, so a touch of flavors add a touch of sweet to make me salivate, helping me enjoy my pipe outdoors as the thermometer rushes to +90F.
I suggest that if you are going to give this a try on a hot afternoon, try a glass of iced mint tea to wash it down.
Oh, and the room note... my girls detected only a hint of orange but said that it was pleasant.
I'm anxious to see what this blend does with a little age.