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Sep 21, 2024
Liverpool, England
Greetings Guys

I have seen the light, and started sipping a pipe six months after wasting a fortune smoking cigars for 7 plus years. Doubt I'll ever go back. its a cleaner past time no smell on body and breadth unlike cigs and stogies though some tobacco can leave horrible after smell (so ive heard and read ha)

Pipe tobacco smoking when done right has consistently delivered a great experience, whilst the more expensive cigar smoking i found was often hit and miss

My Favorite Tobaccos so far have been: SG'S cob plub, GH dark plug, F-an-Ts vintage flake and Gawith Hoggarth -Brown Flake (Aromatic)
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Aug 24, 2024
Greetings Guys

I seen the light and started sipping a pipe six months after wasting fortune smoking cigars for 7 plus years. doubt ill ever go back. its a cleaner past time no smell on body and breadth unlike cigs and stogies though some tobacco can leave horrible after smell (so ive heard and read ha)

Re; the smell. Nobody notices when I pop out for a pipe of Momoyama, but if I've had a bowl of Amphora English, the first thing I hear is; "you stink!"
Yes, even though I smoke outside, that campfire smell is front and centre!
Sep 21, 2024
Liverpool, England

Re; the smell. Nobody notices when I pop out for a pipe of Momoyama, but if I've had a bowl of Amphora English, the first thing I hear is; "you stink!"
Yes, even though I smoke outside, that campfire smell is front and centre!
indeed i mustn't have tried enough blends. looking at getting sample of royal yacht next week which from what ive read is not best tobacco to attract the ladies lol
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