This may be totally off-the-wall,
but I'll throw it out here,
Hans Aage Jørgensen
or HAJ
? ? ? ?
Only reference was on and that was just a listing of his name, a couple of worthpoint hits, but no stamping pix, this is just a wild guess based on what I see...
...perhaps maybe I dunno and have no idea, it's a very stylized and unique stamp though, I'm sure the mystery can be solved, I'm not very well-versed with the early Danish school outside of the big names, but there were some obscure to USA makers that were very fine high-end pipemakers, like the Micke Make pipes 'n such stuff we don't see very often over here... looks like a million-dollar blocka briar though, really nice nice grain, and all the barktop left on looks great too.
Good luck and update us if anything concrete is discovered so we can add it into the collective pipe-knowledge pool --- it's so wonderful to have forums like this, I don't know how my pipe-smoking life would have worked out if I hadn't stumbled in here.