So I'm a relatively new smoker still, almost two months in, but I took a break for about two weeks dealing with an eye infection that ultimately resulted in surgery. Anyways, I'm having problems enjoying Autumn Evening. First off, I have liked quite a bit the other two aros I have smoked, Lane 1Q and C and D Nutty Irishman, and I get a lot of flavor out of both, so it isn't like I just can't enjoy aros in general. But this one has been tough for me. The tin smells great, just as described. But when I first smoked it after opening it probably 3-4 weeks ago, it burned hot, sparked up a lot, and I would get bits of flavor that would turn into hot air. I slowed down which helped with other aros but nothing here. Tried again after eye infection and about the same result. It was a little better bot not much. I mixed it with Lane 1Q and that made it better, although I preferred straight 1Q. It seems dry to me. It is certainly much drier than the Nutty Irishman I got from C and D which smokes great. Not sure if I got a bad batch or what. Its tin not bulk if that matters. I can't say its too dry I just don't have that much experience. Should I try and hydrate it somehow? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Maybe its just not one for me...