I've had this pipe for sometime now but, could never figure out the makers name. Its stamped well enough but, in cursive and my eye's aint what they used to be. Anyone recognize it or have a good guess?
I don't think its your eyesight. I blew up that photo and then even used a magnifying glass. It looked like Cassserup to me. I'm pretty sure that can't be right and am now really curious myself. I'm pretty sure that one of our forum members will probably know. Whoever the maker is may want to invest in a stamp!
Goose nailed it. Larry Comeaux II, was a pipe maker from Memphis, and passed away in 2015 I believe. I have one of his pipes and the stamping is the same. The "II" under the name is what confuses things for me. My pipe is a free hand style with a yellow swirled stem. Great pipe in my opinion. Would like to see a pic of your whole pipe if you can.
I had guessed it was "company" and the the maker forgot to put the name of the company on it, but "Comeaux" makes a lot of sense.
And nice pipe, Morley. Autocorrect! Orley....!!
"Comeaux"! That's what I thought too but, wasn't positive because the two slash marks below it fouled me up also, thought they may be part of a letter. Thank you so much for confirming it Orley! Here's a photo of the whole pipe but, its not a freehand, its a 9-1/2" long Canadian.
Thank you sir, it also has a large aluminum tube like filter within the shank and stem that's about 4-5 inches long and is why the shanks so large in diameter. I've had it for quite sometime but, never smoked it so haven't a clue how it smokes. Was given to me by a friend long ago.
Thank you all for your responses.