I love McClelland Frog Morton Cellar. What would be a good tea to pair with that tobacco?
bulldogbriar Lurker Dec 16, 2013 29 0 Jan 1, 2014 #1 I love McClelland Frog Morton Cellar. What would be a good tea to pair with that tobacco?
teufelhund Lifer Mar 5, 2013 1,497 3 St. Louis, MO Jan 1, 2014 #3 I think perhaps a cup of Uva with a splash of milk might do the trick or maybe some Caravan if you wanted something stronger.
I think perhaps a cup of Uva with a splash of milk might do the trick or maybe some Caravan if you wanted something stronger.
mso489 Lifer Feb 21, 2013 41,211 60,659 Jan 1, 2014 #4 P&G Tips is a full-bodied black tea that will go with most tobacco blends, especially English, and is available at Indian groceries in the U.S. or probably online.
P&G Tips is a full-bodied black tea that will go with most tobacco blends, especially English, and is available at Indian groceries in the U.S. or probably online.
dryseason91 Can't Leave Oct 10, 2013 373 5 Dublin, Ireland Jan 1, 2014 #5 Lapsang Souchong is dark and somewhat peaty and should go well with any latakia blend.
voorhees Lifer May 30, 2012 3,833 943 Gonadistan Jan 1, 2014 #6 Agree with dryseason91. I like it very much.
woodsroad Lifer Oct 10, 2013 13,137 22,790 SE PA USA Jan 1, 2014 #7 Dyseason has it. I order from Betjeman and Barton OK, they are in France, I know. They used to have a US distributor, and I got hooked on their teas back then. It's a lot like tobacco: once you find a blend that you like, you will pursue it to the ends of the earth.
Dyseason has it. I order from Betjeman and Barton OK, they are in France, I know. They used to have a US distributor, and I got hooked on their teas back then. It's a lot like tobacco: once you find a blend that you like, you will pursue it to the ends of the earth.
teufelhund Lifer Mar 5, 2013 1,497 3 St. Louis, MO Jan 1, 2014 #8 I believe that Caravan or Russian Caravan is a Lapsang Souchong. So that makes 4 votes.
P peter70 Starting to Get Obsessed May 24, 2013 175 1 Jan 1, 2014 #10 I like Yorkshire Gold, when drinking tea.