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Jun 23, 2024
Hello from BC. It’s good to see another Canadian here.

What kind of pipe(s) do you have so far and what kind of tobaccos have you tried?
Thanks everyone !

So, that whole jumped in with both feet thing...lol

I've never been a smoker of any kind and one day a few weeks ago I decided that I wanted to give pipes a go. The first day I picked up a nice little Brigham 3 dot Mountaineer 365 and a few 10g bags of of Mr.B's Natillas, buttered rum, Knuden's vanilla maple, peaches and cream. After doing some research about pipes needing some time to rest I went back the next day and picked up another Brigham Tundra 23.
Realizing how much I wanted to have a couple bowls a day I came to the conclusion I needed more pipes! I found my way to Peterson's site and thought the system pipe would be good to try. I ordered 5 in various bowl shapes all with the p-lip. I have to say I'm loving the p-lip and a sharp bend. It was meant to be I guess.

To date I have 6 Brigham's and 6 Peterson's....it's only been a couple weeks...this could be one heck of a rabbit hole for me!

I have to say though I really think the system pipe does works.. I had some Mac Baren's Vanilla Cream in the Brigham's and I found it to have a pretty decent tongue bite and smoked hot. But in the system pipe it's night and day different. No bite, cooler and a much more enjoyable smoke.

Remember, I'm not a smoker of cigs, cigars or anything else so I realize I'm definitely a bit softer than most.