Hearth & Home Vermont Meat Candy: Breakfast is Served

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Might Stick Around
Feb 27, 2012
While browsing around and assembling my most recent TAD order, I stumbled across this blend and it immediately captured my attention. The last sentence in the product description is what made me push the "add to cart" button:

"Just think about those Sunday mornings when you'd dip your bacon into the syrup from your pancakes and fell in love with the sweet, smoky and salty flavor. Now you can have that flavor without the calories or cholesterol!"

The sheer novelty of smoking a bowl that tastes like Sunday brunch is what influenced me to add a single ounce to my order, just in case I despised the stuff and decided to throw it in the trash.

I'm happy to report that I am very satisfied with this blend. I'm not a huge fan of maple flavoring when it comes to most other products but how can your resist the taste of maple syrup as it rolls down the sides of your pancakes and oozes all over your bacon and sausage?

H&H explains how they "start with a cavendish that's been given a deep, sweet maple flavor and then add dark Kentucky that's been fire-cured with hickory wood, which delivers the flavor and aroma of hardwood-smoked bacon." The maple flavor is definitely there but its not overwhelming, which I appreciate. The bacon flavor..... it's there... kind of. I wish they adjusted the ratios a little bit to increase the smokey flavor but it is definitely present in the background. A reviewer I came across recommended adding some Mac Baren HH Old Dark Fired Kentucky to the mix to pump of the smokey flavor which I am definitely thinking about trying.

The thing I like the most about this blend is that it isn't saturated in casing or overwhelmingly sweet. I smoked a bowl directly out of the bag as soon as it arrived and it burned perfectly all the way through - unlike Sutfliff aromatics that are so wet and sticky that they almost have to be dried out for a day or two just to stay lit.

What I like even more is that the taste of the tobacco stays with you from the beginning of the smoke to the very end, unlike many other aromatics that I thoroughly enjoy until I get to the halfway point when the flavor starts to turn. Also - this blend burns very clean all the way to the bottom of the bowl, whereas with other sweet aromatics you're usually left with a sticky, sizzling ball of sugary goop at the end.

Does this blend taste exactly like a piece of bacon dipped in maple syrup? No. I cannot recommend buying it on that premise. If you do - you will probably be disappointed. However, if you like those flavor profiles and the sound of maple flavored cavendish mixed with fire cured dark Kentucky, I don't think you can go wrong here. I'm very curious to see if anyone else in here as tried this blend. If so, please share your opinions and experience.