I want to buy a pound of AK tonight, but I have a question! is It better to rub all of it out and jar it or should i leave it as is and jar it? I've never has a pound of a kake tobacoo before.
How do you store it?
I always store the tobacco as it is and rub it out as I need it. I quess you could rub it out first and it wouldnt hurt it. I just prefer to leave it as is.
I bought some about a year ago. I just got it into chunks that wound fit in my mason jar.
I smoked some while jarring and thought it was ho hum, kind of a let down according to its great reputation. However, after smoking some from a jar after three months... you'll be happy that you bought a pound! It's like the skittles of VaPers - every possible virginia flavor under the rainbow! With a nice dose of perique - not too much, not too little.