Actually, pipe smoking is more prevalent in the Middle East than it is in North America, you just have to know what to look for. Yes, you can see the vaunted hookah or nargileh on every corner (not all of the hookah tobacco is sugary wet, either - I know that is what we see in N.A., but seriously, some of the different blends are truely great - particularly the blends made with actual dried fruit), but what you really want to find is a midwakh, and a can of sifted dohka. The midwakh is a small (think one-hit) pipe, simply gravity fill with the dohka, and go - it provides a small, concentrated hit of goodness. I've only had the pleasure of sampling (what I have to assume) is an OTC blend - came in a 250ml plastic jar, and was actually a decent smoke (think orientals, and lots of em). Certainly it's a very different experience than our usual method of tobacco consumption, but that isn't to say that the midwakh doesn't have its place (you can find both a midwakh and the dohka at pretty much any store that carries cigarettes).
Also, to the point, don't forget that alot of the the so-called oriental tobacco's come out of the Middle East - for example, Latakia is not only a condiment tobacco, but also a port-city in Syria...I admittedly haven't been a pipe smoker during any of my trips to Iran, Syria, or the U.A.E., but I would have to assume that one could find some amazing blending tobaccos available.