Sometimes I get a headache from smoking....all the way to the end of the bowl. Poor choice of tobacco? or puffing too hard. Anyone else have this problem?
My guess is too much or too little nicotine.
Also not a doctor, but it's my understanding that nicotine is processed by the body rather quickly, and doesn't hang around very long, maybe a day or two. And that's just the traces. I'm pretty sure the active dose level falls after within an hour of ingestion. For it to have a cumulative effect, I think you'd have to smoke perpetually.Can nicotine have a cumulative effect on you? I have been smoking a bowl or two for several days consecutively and blends that have never bothered me before are suddenly giving me issues. I get flushed and light headaches and an upset stomach and I always drink something while and on a full stomach (learned that tge hard way). Anyone experience that before?
+1I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on tv, but now in total seriousness I will say this. Get your blood pressure checked along with blood sugar. I had the headache and dizziness and ignored it for a while. The results of inaction can be life altering.