Have you ever noticed that tobaccos sampled at a pipe show you tend to like. When you get home you wonder why it does not smoke or taste as well. I guess it is the ambience found at a pipe show. Has anyone else had the same experience?
It could be explained by this article here: http://pipesmagazine.com/blog/put-that-in-your-pipe/the-fickle-nature-of-first-impressions/
Perhaps it's the climate of where the show was and where you live?
I have noticed that sometimes a blend that I smoked (even from my own stash) at a show tasted and burned better than at home. I attribute it to the ambiance at the show. I think you are more relaxed and just sit around talking and puffing slower than normal.
I think that your frame of mind during a bowl has a lot to do with the smoking experience at the time and a pipe show just sets the perfect mood for smoking.
You always crack me up Cortez.
I feel the ambiance at the show ... at any pipe show is definitely a factor John.
Like Bob, I find that everything I smoke at a show is always better. It's just such a wonderful atmosphere for smoking a pipe.
It's all in the mindset of the beholder. I've smoked the same tobacco in the same pipe in the same place one week later. Loved it, then wondered what I saw in the stuff. That's why I never throw tobacco out.