Is it reconstituted amber? If it is bent, it probably is. But, you can test it by heating a pin or nail and touching it to the stem somewhere where it won't be seen, and if it smokes or melts, it's recon. If it is reconstituted, you can't use alcohols or solvents (which will melt it), but you can use Dawn dish soap. If it is real amber, which would be a straight stem (since real amber doesn't bend) and probably worth almost a thousand bucks, you could use alcohol, but with that sort of gemstone, you'd be best taking it to a jeweler close by or lapidary to keep from cracking or shattering it. Real amber has the same qualities as glass.
I would suggest the copper wire also. Copper is softer than the amber or amber recon.
Just throwing my GIA certified 2cents into the discussion :wink: