Hangover Solution.

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 29, 2018
Hair of the dog indeed...

But seriously - I was absolutely amazed at how well Axe Anti-Hangover Shower Gel worked when I tried it. I got a little sample size bottle in my Christmas stocking one year and tried it one morning out of desperation. I don't know how it works but I'm sure curious. There must be some magic snake oil or something in there.
Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
Good solution. But it's fun once in awhile. It's like kids. I can't say my solution is no sex. Of course, there are condoms.. I hate the smell of burning rubber.
I have no issues with alcohol and I still drink occasionally. Just not to excess. I also don't judge other people that choose differently as long as they keep their car keys in their pocket.


Aug 1, 2018
When I was younger I once had neighbors that would get so drunk they would hit each other with 2×4s for fun. After a big night out the next day they would be sitting on their couch in the backyard with a couple big bags of lemons, a box of salt, and gallon jugs of water. They would cover the lemons with salt and eat them like oranges.


Can't Leave
Apr 26, 2020
I get hangovers if I drink more alcohol than water the night before, and don’t eat enough…for instance, if I have too much beer and don’t drink some water and have at least a snack while drinking, I’m gonna sleep like crap, and I’m also gonna feel like twice-fried shit and hate life the next morning. I don’t enjoy that, so for me, prevention is the best cure.

These days, I only really drink with meals and in moderate quantities.
Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
I understand. I do have DWI from a campus college cop. Not proud of it, and won't drive again if I had a drink.
Saw way,way too many friend and relatives get DWIs and saw first hand how painful they were. I made a decision I didn't want to experience it myself. For once, I decided not to learn the hard way. It wasn't long I found it was easier to abstain than it was to drink just a little.

I still enjoy a beer now and then or a premium shot of bourbon at home with a cigar or bowl of tobacco.