(kinda sounds like a lawsuit, don't it)
Newbie transitioning from cobs to briars. The latter are more satisfying, but prone to gurgle - no doubt because of my poor technique. (And all my pipes are bent, if that may be a factor. Got my eye on a Nordic Compass as my next acquisition).
Partial remedy is to rest them vertically between re-lights. Just discovered that gently blowing into them mitigates and/or eliminates the gurgle...but tends to make the smoke more unpleasant. Am I better off accepting the gurgle as a blessing that eliminates undesirable elements while I learn to pace like a grown-up?
Newbie transitioning from cobs to briars. The latter are more satisfying, but prone to gurgle - no doubt because of my poor technique. (And all my pipes are bent, if that may be a factor. Got my eye on a Nordic Compass as my next acquisition).
Partial remedy is to rest them vertically between re-lights. Just discovered that gently blowing into them mitigates and/or eliminates the gurgle...but tends to make the smoke more unpleasant. Am I better off accepting the gurgle as a blessing that eliminates undesirable elements while I learn to pace like a grown-up?