Yes, boss, a Group 1 pipe is mighty small. I just took delivery of a Peterson rusticated yacht/zulu Group 1
straight stem, and it is a beauty, if you keep your glasses on. That is, it is startlingly small. I knew it would
be, but the experience is new. First I sort of gasped, then I somewhat smiled to myself. Hey, it's a Group 1.
First plans occur to me, to use it as a sort of appetizer bowl, before a larger pipe with a different blend, a
dessert bowl as a chaser to a larger bowl, a short smoke when I only want a fifteen minute smoke, and maybe
a longer smoke with leaf. I haven't ordered any torque buster blends, and I'm not sure I will. For starters I
think I'll just try various blends, and see how they go. I'm not ghost sensitive, so I'm not testing these in
a mini-MM-cob or anything. But I do feel like I'd better not sneeze, or the little guy will fly off the rack. Also,
this is one I will have to keep track of and keep in its assigned place. It would be easy to lose in a pocket,
like a pen. Further reports to follow, but all in good time. (I have to admit, it looks a bit like an opium pipe,
not quite that small, but on that scale. No experience with opium, but have seen the photos of opium dens.)
straight stem, and it is a beauty, if you keep your glasses on. That is, it is startlingly small. I knew it would
be, but the experience is new. First I sort of gasped, then I somewhat smiled to myself. Hey, it's a Group 1.
First plans occur to me, to use it as a sort of appetizer bowl, before a larger pipe with a different blend, a
dessert bowl as a chaser to a larger bowl, a short smoke when I only want a fifteen minute smoke, and maybe
a longer smoke with leaf. I haven't ordered any torque buster blends, and I'm not sure I will. For starters I
think I'll just try various blends, and see how they go. I'm not ghost sensitive, so I'm not testing these in
a mini-MM-cob or anything. But I do feel like I'd better not sneeze, or the little guy will fly off the rack. Also,
this is one I will have to keep track of and keep in its assigned place. It would be easy to lose in a pocket,
like a pen. Further reports to follow, but all in good time. (I have to admit, it looks a bit like an opium pipe,
not quite that small, but on that scale. No experience with opium, but have seen the photos of opium dens.)