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Jul 5, 2019
Just wanted to introduce myself to the community, I'm Nick. I've only recently picked up a pipe and gotten into the hobby so y'all will have to excuse the newbie ignorance. When I say "recently" I mean like a week ago. I've always had an interest in the hobby but never really pulled the trigger until now! So, that being said I haven't really tried many tobaccos' outside of Lane 1Q, Carter Hall, SWR, and Paladin. It seems I'm still doing some things wrong as I haven't been able to pick up on any flavors only that horrible ashy, smokey taste but I'm determined to keep on trucking so I can enjoy the hobby even more.
One thing I need to work on more than anything else is slowing down and packing the bowl. Tongue Bite has hit me for the first time a day or so ago, so I've been laying off but need to take a few days so the ole tongue can heel. For now, that's about all I can think of but I'm looking forward to chatting with some of ya'll.



Feb 21, 2013
Welcome aboard, Jeep'. I'm in central N.C. The major poster on "What Are You Smoking" is jiminks from Greensboro. There are a number of others, in or from The Old North State. With questions, ask away.



Jan 5, 2018
The Faroe Islands
Welcome! The first advice is to dry your tobacco until it is almost crunchy. Moisture will mute the flavors. Someone else will give you good advice on packing. I just shove it in not too tight.

Nevermind relights. It's better to smoke slowly with lots of relights than smoke fast just to keep it going.

Dry tobacco, slowly smoldering, is what yoy want.



Nov 26, 2018
Lake Martin, AL
Welcome from Colorado high country. I believe it was Cosmic who are not looking for clouds of smoke, just wisp every now and then. It was great advice for me. Goings slow will help with taste and tongue bite.



Sep 2, 2015
San Francisco Bay Area, USA
Welcome from the SF Bay Area!
Great advice above on packing and smoking. Could be you're just not fans of those tobaccos. I believe the ones you listed are on the milder side. Maybe try a blend that is more full-flavored and full-bodied and you might get more out of it.



Jul 5, 2019
Thanks guys! One thing is for sure the pipe smoking community is very welcoming so that’s a good sign. I noticed yesterday as I was smoking my Cob I started to pick up on a small hint of taste from Carter Hall, which found to be a slight nutty, earthy flavor but still sipping through that ashy taste. Anywho, what would y’all recommend in relations to a full-bodied, Full-Flavored blend?
I had a problem stressing the relight but in order to get myself to smoke slower I’ve since decided “is what it is”. Soon enough I’ll be able to pick up the milder tobacco flavors.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 1, 2019
Huntsville, Arkansas
Hello from Arkansas. I have only been smoking a pipe for maybe a month. I just tried seattle pipe club plumb pudding. It was a lot different from many otc brands I have tried. I too have been struggling with the whole flavor thing. However this plumb pudding has really opened my eyes to the vast difference in flavors. Now I am sure i am a long way from being able to detect a hint of this or a hint of that. However the further I get into this adventure the more things are beginning to come into focus. I'm sure I have a long ways to go. Everyone is right though, go slow and enjoy each pipe. Welcome :)



Jul 5, 2019
Frank, I’ve heard a lot of good things about plum pudding as you said right now all my smokes have been OTC blends I want to try something outside of Burley because that seems to be about 90% of otc blends. Moving towards full-body/flavor maybe it will kick start those wonderful hidden flavors you hear some much about. This may not be the case but fingers crossed. :D

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