Greetings from Georgia

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Aug 5, 2018
I've been browsing so many of the forums here lately that I figured it was about time to join and actually interact with all you fellow pipe smokers and tobacco enthusiasts. My interest in pipe smoking started around the same time I stumbled upon the Art of Manliness website, which is also when I decided to attempt to grow a moustache! This all took place in January of 2016 I believe, and as soon as I got a very nice chunk of change that tax season I went online and bought 2 Savinellis and 2 Petersons, all in the same month probably. To be honest I had no idea how to even pack or light a pipe let alone enjoy a good smoke with either one of the high dollar/quality pipes I impulsively bought, but I was determined to learn. I researched what I thought to be the best pipe tobacco, and I acquired a few tins of Nightcap, Early Morning Pipe and Elizabethan Mixture from a smoke shop in town, and that's where I began. I really had no idea what an English blend was, or what Latakia and Perique tasted like, or even the difference between Burley and Virginia. Okay, long story short, my family and I moved about and hour or so away, and I couldn't find a decent tobacconist in our new town, so my precious pipes began collecting dust on our mantle piece. Just recently I decided to pick it up again, but to actually attempt to learn what I was going to be smoking, and that's how I wound up browsing the forums on this site. I'm still learning but I've realized that I really enjoy a good Burley blend, especially one I can smoke on all day. I have smoked cigarettes for several years so I prefer to smoke something with a good nicotine punch at least once or twice a day, and I'll try and keep at least and ounce of a good English blend on hand for when I'm in the mood. I have lots of questions about everything you can think of, and this is the right place to find the answers/opinions I'm looking for. If you can;t tell, I love writing and tend to go on and on, so sorry this was such a long, unnecessary introduction. I could have easily said, "I like pipe tobacco!" Anyway, I'm glad I finally joined and am a part of this wonderful pipe smoking community!

Aug 5, 2018
Thank you, sir. Nice and humid in my neck of the woods today. What part of this lovely state do you call home? I'd like to find a good tobacco shop close by.



Jun 6, 2017
I was stationed in the putrid swamps of Fort Stewart for 7 years. I left the swamps and my ex behind with a quickness.
My fond memories of partying in Savannah and on Tybee Island almost offset the pain and suffering incurred.
Welcome to the forum. :P



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 20, 2018
Welcome! I am also new here and learning a lot. I also quickly built a small collection of pipes and tobaccos. I'm trying to ease off now and make better decisions on what to acquire.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 26, 2016
Welcome to the forum! Lots of helpful folks here so I’m sure your questions will be in good hands. I’m from Georgia as well, bout an hour from Macon and Columbus.



Jul 19, 2018
Welcome Sir, good to have you. I too hung out on this site just reading without signing up for a good long while. It's a great place to learn and share your thoughts.

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