I'm drinking. Hopefully I'll drink enough to wipe away the shit stain this last week was. I love independence day, but I hate fucktards with fireworks.
Mississippi River in the Savinelli Venere 670KS, then giving a new one a first impression (Dunhill's Aperitif). If I'm up late enough, I'll end with Nightcap. If not, the morning will start with another new 1st impression (Dunhill's Early Morning Pipe).
So many blends, such little time.
Came home, had a chicken sandwich, felt a little crummy so I took a nap for a little bit, woke up and took a few puffs off a bowl of (coincidentally) Lancer Slices, cleaned up the house a little bit, then cracked open a beer and am getting ready for bed.
Better count your yachts. I had a bad dream once that I was trapped inside a tree & had to gnaw my way out.
When I woke up two of my favorite bulldogs were gone.
Having some bonding time with my father in law. We're dropping the old van off at the auto wreckers and driving to get the new one. After that, just playing with my kids. Wouldn't have it any other way.
Probably checking back here a million times during the day, fiddling around with my smokingpipes cart, and tracking packages of course!
Leon, that looks like a fine pipe and fine Bourbon. Did you get it before July 1? 8)
Better count your yachts. I had a bad dream once that I was trapped inside a tree & had to gnaw my way out. When I woke up two of my favorite bulldogs were gone.
Hmmm. Pipe-buying in your sleep. Sounds like a perfect excuse for new acquisitions. Now we just need to find a good scientific psychological name for it. JAYYY!! Got a job for your linguistic talents!